Thursday, May 22, 2014

A Touch of Nostalgia

As part of the “Week of Warmth” at my work place which I mentioned in my Airforce R post, the Wellness Committee bought a bunch of craft supplies and put them in the common room for us to use to make the cards and encouraging notes we were supposed to share. (I work at a children’s hospital – glitter glue and crayons are our business.)  Looking at the bag of pipe cleaners that was there brought back memories. I could not resist twisting a few colourful pipe cleaner letters.   

This is is a cursive letter 'T' despite everyone saying that it is a 'J'.

A nice summer watermelon combination.
Pink and purple - so girly.

Allison thought this was a little corny for a craft to be posted but it certainly counts as a diversion - I was diverted while eating my lunch. :)

I also made a paper ninja star which I haven’t done since elementary school. 

Stealthy ninjas always carry bright yellow shuriken - it makes the job less gloomy.
 Nothing like a few kiddy crafts to brighten your day.

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